filters are majorly manufactured using fine silica powder,along with various types of binders and are fused in high temperature ovens
Theremoval of these suspended particles takes place by physical process such asmechanical trapping and adsorption in the ceramic candles, which have micropores. Ceramic filter allows water/air/gas to flow through these millions ofpores and traps the impurities and unwanted suspended particles.
Ceramicwater filters are a versatile method of Water/Air/Gas filtrationthat uses natural media to eliminate suspended particulate andimpurities. These filters are easy to assemble. Maintenance includes frequent scrubbing with abrush and back washing to remove dirt particles. The ceramic candles arebrittle in nature and need proper care during transport and its use.
We design complete filtration system using these ceramic candles basedon flow parameters. They are used for compressed air filtration, natural gasfiltration, steam filtration and water filtration.
Advantages of CeramicFilter are as follows: