We offer strainer basket for airgas and liquid applications Our strainer baskets are designed with varioustype of fabric paper synthetic polyester pp coalescing borosilicate glassfibre activated carbon HDPE nonwoven stainless steel wire mesh sinteredbronze sintered wire mesh and sintered powder filter medias This strainerbaskets available in plain cylindrical Wrap Type and pleated configurationsto increase filtration area We offer high temperature resistance and canwithstand high differential pressure and customized design in filter elementsStrainer baskets made with chemical adhesive or fully welded joints We alsomanufacture retrofit or replacement or equivalent filter elements
aLow Pressure drops
bHigh Temperature Registration
cLeak proof
dHigh Dirt Holding Capacity
eEasy to clean
fHigh differential pressure with stand
gEase to install and remove
hEnd caps with MOC of Plastic MS SS AluminiumPolyurethane etc
iCustomized design
aRefineries and Petrochemicals
bPower Plants
cOil Gas
dWater filtration and Cooling Towers
eChemical Industries
fAutomobile Industries
gSteel Industries Metals Minerals
hTextile Industries
iDairy and Food Industries
jDyes Inks and paints Industries
kCement Industries
lFertilizers Industries
nCoolant Oils and Cutting Fluids